The Exercise Tolerance test is also called a Stress test. The following information does not replace personal advice from a healthcare professional. Please ask Dr Kosta, if you have any questions related to this specific cardiac stress test.
DVLA, TFL, PCO friendly environment. Combine your Treadmill Stress Test (£300) with an Echocardiogram (£270) -If any need for the LVEF- and we will fill in the forms (Only the Specific Cardiac Forms ) for you without any extra charge.
It is quite common for people who have heart disease to show normal results on heart tests performed under resting, relaxed conditions. However, these results can become abnormal when the heart is made to work harder. This is the basis for stress tests.
What is an Exercise Tolerance test?
The Exercise Tolerance test (Stress test) checks your heart while you walk and run on a treadmill.
The test takes about 30 minutes and is carried out by one cardiac male or female physiologist and a doctor.
Why do I need a Treadmill Stress Test?
The Treadmill stress test helps your cardiologist learn more about your heart during exercise.
To see if a person with no cardiac symptoms has silent coronary artery disease, i.e. blockages or hardening of the arteries of the heart. (In many patients, the first signs of heart disease is a heart attack or death without any preceding warning symptoms)
To determine if a patient’s symptoms (such as chest discomfort or difficulty in breathing) are due to heart disease rather than another problem
To check that the treatment given to a patient for blocked arteries is working properly
To assess a patient’s exercise tolerance before beginning an exercise or cardiac rehabilitation programme
To determine if exercise causes an abnormal heart rhythm.
What to bring for the Exercise Tolerance test?
Wear flat, comfortable shoes or trainers, and loose clothing. If you want to have a shower after the test, bring a change of clothes and toiletries.
Before the Treadmill Stress Test procedure
The only preparation for a stress test is that you must only eat a light meal, avoid strenuous exercise for 3 hours preceding the test and avoid or minimise smoking for 24 hours beforehand. You will need to take off your clothes from above your waist, and wear a hospital gown.
A physiologist will put 10 electrodes on to your chest. The electrodes are small, sticky patches, connected to a monitor with leads. The monitor will record your heart’s rhythm and electrical activity.
Monitoring your heart with electrodes is called an electrocardiogram (ECG). A physiologist will stay with you during the test. If you have any questions, please ask him/her.
For the test, the physiologists will firstly monitor your heart at rest, and then monitor your heart during exercise.
Monitoring your heart at rest
The physiologist monitors your heart while you are sitting down. He/she will also put a blood pressure cuff around your arm, to measure your blood pressure during the treadmill stress test.
Monitoring your heart during exercise
After monitoring your heart at rest, the physiologist will ask you to walk on a treadmill. He/she will explain what to do. You walk on the treadmill, slowly at first. Every three minutes the treadmill gets slightly steeper and faster, and your heart works harder. Depending on your ability, you can walk on the treadmill up to15 minutes. After 15 minutes the treadmill slows down gradually. If you feel any pain or discomfort you can ask the physiologist to stop the treadmill. It is important to wait until the treadmill has come to a complete stop before you step off.
After the Stress test
There is a changing area in the Cardiology/ ECG department.
About your Exercise Tolerance Test results
Dr Kosta will prepare the official report and he will send it to you by email after few hours. You will also keep the ECG trace (with a report on it) for you and your doctor reference. The physiologist will send your stress test results to the doctor who requested the test. The doctor will go through those results and may arrange further appointments, if necessary. For Health & Safety reasons the test takes part at Ealing Hospital (Under Trust Plus).
A Tip
Add a Proper, Face to Face, Specialist Consultation with Dr Kosta in order to go through your heart issues and Risk Assessment before the test. After the heart scan Dr Kosta will let you know the results and having a follow up Consultation with you. At the end of f/u Consultation you will receive an advice for further management and/or Medical Treatment. Later on the day (few hours later) Dr Kosta will write a Professional Echo Report and email it to you. It will be an extra charge for this £120.
(The Consultation is the process where the patient is telling to his doctor his complaints and concerns and asking questions regarding his health. During the consultation the doctor is listening carefully to the patient, guides the patient through medical questions for risk stratification and clinically examine the patient in order to have a comprehensive picture of his cardiovascular health and well being. This is a process that lasts at least 30 min)
DVLA/TFL/PCO Requirements
You will need to exercise for 9 minutes. The DVLA have published recommendations regarding fitness to drive for a variety of cardiac and other conditions. These vary depending on the type of licence.
Sometimes they may ask you the need to provide the LVEF. This is an Echocardiogram (Echo/Ultrasound/Heart scan) and there is an extra fee of £270. We can do this on the same day and time saving your time and money. If any doubts (if you need it or not) please confirm with your GP or DVLA/TFL/PCO officer prior to your visit. Good planning will reduce your anxiety and save your time on the day.
At the end of the tests, Dr Kosta can fill in and stamp the required form for your Cardiac Fitness (Stress Test and LVEF form ONLY) without any extra charge. Any additional information has to be fill in by your GP or any other NHS provider
Please note that stroke or arrhythmia (AF) patients usually have different forms asking for additional information/tests. In that case you should ask your GP or any other NHS provider to help you with the forms.
Please print out and have your appropriate forms ready prior to your arrival.
You can easily book by yourself online at:
Useful contacts
If you are booked to come in for a Treadmill stress test and have any questions or would like further information please contact us on 020 8574 2384 or at