-We are proud that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) carried out a thorough inspection of our Diagnostic and Screening Cardiac Service using their comprehensive methodology on 6 August 2022 to 12 August 2022 and rated us as GOOD.
-Dr Kosta Chouliaras was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2020 - 2022 for delivering outstanding care.
1 – Avoid the busy outpatient Hospital Departments and delays-seen today.
Receive your reports from your tests in 12h maximum
2 – Do the cardiac tests with your Awarded & Accredited Doctor – not by a physiologist / nurse.
3 – Seen by a NHS Specialist based in Harley Street, (with over 15 years consultant experience), not by a Consultant-Led – junior doctor or nurse / physiologist.
4 – Investigations in a small but friendly clinics in Harley Street, Ealing & Richmond.
5 – Avoid delayed follow up appointments that can be in a few weeks time. Have your follow up Consultation immediately after your tests on the same day-without any extra charge.
6 – Save your time – no referral needed from your GP.
7 – Have a Consultation, Echo (scan of your heart), ECG or 24Hr monitor at the same place – all within one appointment. Get the answers of your Heart Condition in less than 1 hour with 1 Stop Clinics in Harley Street, Ealing & Richmond (without compromising the quality) today. Avoid the waiting lists for all the above investigations.
8 – Reduce patients' journey (initial consultation, referrals for investigations, waiting for investigations and follow up consultation), to just 1 hour for the initial diagnosis.
9 – We provide a bespoke, tailored, high quality approach to every patient.
10 – Enjoy London community friendly prices due to patients' flow & demand. No Intermediaries.
Feel comfortable in knowing that we provide a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) of highly-rated, experienced experts in the field of Cardiology, who share and practise cutting edge cardiology, to independently provide the most appropriate treatment plan you need.



Specialised Care
1 Stop
A key list of our distinct benefits and services are indicated above. Doctor Kosta- Your Accredited Heart Specialist is covering multiple elements of interest and he is a member of:
General Medical Council
Royal college of physicians of London
Fellow European society of Cardiology
European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI)
EAPC European Association of
Preventive Cardiology
British Society for Heart Failure
The Heart Failure Association of the ESC
(HFA of the ESC)
Imaging Cardiology
Chest Pain
Refractory Coronary artery disease
Heart failure
Valvular disorders
Shortness of Breath
Physiological Stress echo test
Community one stop clinics
Echocardiography (accredited)

All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present for any cardiac consultation, examination or procedure, where they feel one is required. Patients have the right to decline the offer of a chaperone. However the clinician may feel that it would be wise to have a chaperone present for their mutual protection.
If you feel that the situation is life threatening dial 999.